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How much will shipping be?

Shipping costs will depend on the size of your order and the location it is being sent to. Please visit our Shipping Information page here for more details.

Where do you deliver to?
We deliver Australia wide and internationally. For international orders we send via Australia Post or you can opt to use your own couriers.
When can I expect my delivery?

We offer same day dispatch on all orders within Australia, so in most cases you can expect your delivery either the next day or within 1-2 days business days depending on the destination. Deliveries can be made anytime between 9am and 6pm on Monday to Friday, if you have any special instructions please let us know when placing your order and we will endeavour to pass the message onto our couriers. As for International orders, the delivery timeframe will vary depending on the destination and the selected courier.

How do I track my order?

Once we have dispatched your order, you will receive a confirmation email with a tracking number included. Please allow some time for this to come through and be sure to check your spam/junk folder for your tracking number if it doesn't appear within 24 hours. Alternatively, you can go to the My Order page to check your order status and tracking link. If you are still unable to locate your tracking number, you are welcome to contact us by emailing [email protected] to request your tracking number.

Frequently asked Questions
Do you have a minimum order?

We get that trying a new supplier can be scary, so we have no minimum order restrictions (other than purchasing in packs). We also have a great first time customer incentive of 10% off (enter 'newbie' at checkout) we hope you'll love our product as much as we loved making it and we look forward to doing more business with you.

I own a clothing store. Am I able to purchase Style State stock for it?

It's what we are here for! Our mission is to support both online and retail fashion businesses by providing high quality pieces at an affordable price point, in designs that your customers will love. To get started, please register a new account using a valid ABN (Australian Business Number) or International Business License. Once your account is approved, we will send you a buyer’s kit with an introduction to us, how we operate and other useful information.

Can I purchase single pieces for myself?

We are an Australian wholesale company that designs, manufactures and sells clothing in bulk to retail stores only so unfortunately, we do not sell individual items to the public. However, we have lovely stockists situated all over the world so you can refer to our Stockists page here to find a boutique near you. If you are needing a stockist in your area, we’d love to hear from you, please email [email protected] with your post code or preferable boutique and we’ll work on it [email protected]

How do packs work?

All our styles are only available to purchase in packs, we have different ratios to suit your business needs. Each pack is made of the same item, in the same colourway, in different sizes. Pack size options are available for selection when you are viewing a product on the product page.

- Standard Pack (1 x Size 6, 2 x Size 8, 2 x Size 10, 1 x Size 12, 1 x Size 14)

- Mid Pack (1 x Size 8, 1 x Size 10, 2 x Size 12, 2 x Size 14, 1 x Size 16)

- Knitwear Pack (2 x Size XS/S, 2 x Size S/M, 2 x Size M/L)

*Please note moving forward we are retiring some previous pack ratios in our range including:
Plus Pack (1x8, 2x10, 2x12, 1x14, 1x16), Petite Pack (2x6, 2x8, 2x10, 2x12) and Knit Pack (4xS/M & 2x M/L)

Can I view your clothing range in person?

Our Sydney and Melbourne showrooms are always ready to welcome you. Our showrooms are open between 9am - 5:30pm every weekday and your friendly account manager is ready to assist you and show you our full range of new arrivals and bestsellers. View our Contact Us page to see our showroom locations.

Still Have Questions? Send Us An Enquiry